1st Mesopotamian Humanity Festival

1st Mesopotamian Humanity Festival


We are meeting in Mardin, the cradle of civilizations for "Empathy".


Date: 18 – 19 October 2024

Location: Mardin

Institution organizing the event: EMFADER

Empathy, Social Sensitivity, Awareness and Education Association

(Empati, Toplumsal Duyarlılık, Farkındalık ve Eğitim Derneği)

Purpose of the event:

1) Emphasizing the importance of the concept of empathy.

2) To support behaviors based on "humane understanding" and "tolerance" through the concept of empathy.

3) To talk about the positive roles of individuals and societies in contributing to world peace.

4) Celebrating “World Empathy Day”.

Template Program
(The main program will be announced after the information of domestic and international participants is finalized.)
Friday, October 18, 2024

 Location: Mardin Millet Bahçesi (Mardin Nation Park)


*  Introduction speech

* Announcement of “World Empathy Day”

* Opening of the “Humanity Fair”

- Applying henna on hands at the fair

(Countries' stands at the fair)

  (Probably 35 countries will be given a stand in the fair area. Countries will present their positive contributions to humanity.)

(NGO stands at the fair)

- (Fair stands of other relevant institutions)

- (Book stands at the fair)

- (University stands at the fair)

* Lunch (As an option, local food and beverages are offered for those who wish)

* Children's activities (Kite, Ice Cream)

* Evening meal

* Symphony Orchestra Concert

Plaque presentation to country representatives with the theme "Let's Give Importance to Empathy for Humanity".

Location: Yay Grand Hotel Conference Hall

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Location: Yay Grand Hotel Conference Hall - Mardin

* Introduction speech

* Giving of “2024 International Empathy Award” plaques and documents (3 International, 3 Domestic)

* Giving “Thank You” plaques, “2024 Empathy Honor Award” plaques and documents.

* Empathy Summit (Main Topic: Where is the World Going)

Session Titles:

1) The Concept of "Empathy" in Terms of "Information Technology"

2) The Concept of “Empathy” in Terms of “Religion”

3) The Concept of "Empathy" in Terms of "Women's Rights"

4) The Concept of “Empathy” in Terms of “Child Rights”

5) The Concept of "Empathy" in Terms of "Environment and Animal Rights"

6) The Concept of "Empathy" in Terms of "Disabled Rights"

7) The Concept of “Empathy” in Terms of “Commerce”

8) The concept of “Empathy” in terms of “Politics”

9) The Concept of “Empathy” in Terms of “World Peace”

* Lunch

* Evening Closing Dinner

* WEB SPONSOR: High Tech Media World Reklamcılık ve Organizasyon A.Ş.

Account Numbers for Sponsorship Payments:

Please send your sponsorship invoice information to bilgi@emfader.org

(Turkish Lira) TL

Bank Account Owner: High Tech Media World Reklamcılık ve Organizasyon A.Ş.

TL: Ziraat Bankası   TR100001002667811550575001                                   TR 1000 0100 2667 8115 5057 5001 


Bank Account Owner: High Tech Media World Reklamcılık ve Organizasyon A.Ş.

  : Ziraat Bankası   TR260001002667811550575004                                 TR 2600 0100 2667 8115 5057 5004  

(Dollar) $

Bank Account Owner: High Tech Media World Reklamcılık ve Organizasyon A.Ş.

$  : Ziraat Bankası   TR420001002667811550575007                                 TR 4200 0100 2667 8115 5057 5007